- 2.5 inç SATA HDD mükemmel yedek
- Küresel Giyim-tesviye ve Blok Yönetimi
- Dahili ATA Güvenli Silme ve SMART Fonksiyonları
- Akıllı Güç Hatası Kurtarma
- Trim Command Destek
OverviewIn response to the cloud computing trend, Apacer first to offer the high-capacity, ultra-speed performance, outstanding IOPs and proven reliablity SSDs dedicated to servers and networking devices through an ongoing development and customization. The Apacer SAFD 25P allows server systems to achieve optimal complete performance; assisting servers accelerate data processing in today high-intensity oprating applications.
The newly-unveiled standardized SAFD (Serial ATA Flash Drive)25P SSD consists of highly-stable SLC (Single-Level-Cell) chip. The SAFD 25P with 7+15 pin male connector comes in 32GB,64GB,128GB and 256GB capacities.Respectively,with sequential read and write speeds of up to 265 and 230 MB/sec, both can enhance computer performance and meet user needs for highly stable and reliable storage solutions.